R. Rox Anderson, MD
Dr. Anderson will receive the award and deliver his award presentation at the Awards Plenary Session on Thursday, April 24.
What does receiving this award mean to you?
It’s an honor to get this award, and it’s a reminder of how important mentors and mentoring can be for all of us. The award is named after Ken Arndt, a long-time mentor whose friendly advice helped steer my early career choices, and whose advice I still seek and value today. Mentoring goes well beyond teaching and friendship. It includes a mutual commitment to care about each other no matter what, while growing and going through all the changes that life entails.
You will deliver your award presentation, “What a Long, Strange Trip It’s Been (and Continues To Be),” at the conference. Can you share some of the highlights of your talk?
Well, I stole this talk’s title from the Grateful Dead, of course. Coming up with new laser treatments and diagnostics has indeed been a long, strange trip, and probably will continue to be, led by a combination of unsolved clinical problems, new technology, and sheer curiosity. When we built the first pulsed dye laser aimed at treating children with portwine stains, it was totally unclear what would happen – would skin simply die when its microcirculation was attacked this way? As I worked on “selective photothermolysis” for other things (pigmented lesions, tattoos, hair removal, cancer), we solved many problems, but every time new questions and opportunities are posed. Not only does skin survive thousands of little targeted injuries, it gets stimulated, and it survives thousands of little random injuries. Thus was born, fractional laser treatment and its many cousins. Right now, I’m working on other applications, new technologies, and laser treatments that have nothing to do with heating tissue. The long, strange trip keeps going.
What highlights in your background have contributed to who you are today?
My background amounts to a patchwork of physics, biology, teaching, and medicine. I was never “pre-med”, studying physics and biology at MIT sheerly from interest. After college, I was a jack of all trades just to pay the rent. I directed a summer camp, welded pipe, built music synthesizers, taught high school, and worked in a lab. It was not just any lab, but the one at Mass General Hospital that later became the Wellman Center. My career now uses most of that “patchwork”; I am still studying physics and biology, I still take care of children, I still teach, and even play music. I am just plain lucky to have found an area – laser biomedical research – that combines it all.
How has your involvement with ASLMS contributed to your career?
ASLMS was itself an influence in my career, especially when the annual meeting was a robust mix of diverse specialties. It wasn’t clear at all where lasers would best be used in medicine and surgery. That mystery was infectious. Later, as president of ASLMS, I invited Charles Townes, whose Nobel in 1964 was for discovery of lasers. Well into his 90’s, Dr. Townes was still sharp, and he was truly fascinated with my work. Spending days with him at the ASLMS annual meeting, I will never forget.
Why should young researchers and clinicians become involved with ASLMS?
Young scientists and physicians/clinicians should come to ASLMS because this field needs them, and vice versa. There is a robust interplay between emerging optical/energy technologies, emerging biomedical technologies, and unmet clinical needs. The scientists and the clinicians truly need each other, but would rarely intersect without ASLMS and some of its cousins. The future of this field is in their hands, not mine.
What is something members may not know about you?
Hmmmm… what might ASLMS members not know about me? Well, I’m a 74-year-old man with a 3-year-old son, among others. That means I still know how to play, in every sense of the word.